Today, 27 Nov 2009 is our darling Jermaine 1 year old birthday..Last year this day she was borned and delivered in time flies fast and she is 1 year old liao..lotsa lovely memories tuned back onto me and hb's mind, recalling those moments when she was just delivered, how lovely she looked at that instant, her first glimpse at me & hb, that first held of her warmly in our arms, how she changes each day, how she started her first giggling, her first smile at us, her first sound-alike call for me(mama) and hb(papa), her vaccination tortures, when she fell sick,etc..the list went on and on...
Well, today supposed to be a day that we all are looking forward and counting down to for her birthday celebration..but we came in shock when we checked her temperature at 5am, it showed 38.4 degree..S**T, her fever came back again..she got her 1st ever high fever (39 degree) on Tuesday, 24 November mentioned in my previous blog post .
Me and hb had absolutely no idea why her fever came back, PD only told us to return back to KKH on thursday for suspected urinary infection if her fever didnt subside..but she was okay on the next thing in our mind was she supposed to celebrate her birthday tonight..and we gonna perform the traditional customary birthday ceremony fan cos really dun know whether darling can take it or not..still we went straight to feed her paracetamol syrup first, thought at least let the fever cool down first..
And after awhile around 9am plus, her fever subsided..however, she started coughing with n hb tried calling The Kids Clinic, Kidslink, but they were closed for public stressed cos we dun want her to go to KKH as most probably she will be attended by MO which I knew is as good as not seeing at all..haiz, so we just prayed hard that she can be strong and will bring her see doctor the next day (sat) instead..
Hb went to collect the Ang Ku Kueh from Serangoon Central around 9.45am..left me n darling n MIL at home..then darling started being cranky..I knew she was not really feeling well..and I dont noe why I oso became very panicky as I suddenly feel like rushing her to see any PD so that at least she can feel better, no need to suffer..but then its a Public Holiday and most PD clinics are frustrated..hb not around..then I went to call sharkfin and talked till I cried..dun noe why, maybe I too stressed up, kept thinking of the ceremony thingy and evening darling birthday celebration..all have been settled and yet darling fell sick..dun noe if she can take it or not...till I cried and cried..phew..darling seemed to know mummy is upset..then MIL helped to carry darling while I talked to sharkfin..then sharkfin helped to call San Jiumu..and she very nice helped me call many other PD clinics but they were all I decided to cook down, feed darling with some medication which got left over previously..and just monitor..felt much better after talking to San jiumu and sharkfin...then hb came home le and I felt more relieved..
After awhile, darling also seemed to feel better and we proceeded on with her 1year old birthday celebration...darling was quite cooperative through-out, though she behaved very "yang oh" and only want mummy me to carry and sayang her..well, I feel good lor and her daddy was very sore...
Our conclusion :-
1. Darling will look for her daddy if she is in her playing mood and wants to play...
2. Darling will look for her mummy if she is looking for comfort and wants someone to sayang her..
Well, today supposed to be a day that we all are looking forward and counting down to for her birthday celebration..but we came in shock when we checked her temperature at 5am, it showed 38.4 degree..S**T, her fever came back again..she got her 1st ever high fever (39 degree) on Tuesday, 24 November mentioned in my previous blog post .
Me and hb had absolutely no idea why her fever came back, PD only told us to return back to KKH on thursday for suspected urinary infection if her fever didnt subside..but she was okay on the next thing in our mind was she supposed to celebrate her birthday tonight..and we gonna perform the traditional customary birthday ceremony fan cos really dun know whether darling can take it or not..still we went straight to feed her paracetamol syrup first, thought at least let the fever cool down first..
And after awhile around 9am plus, her fever subsided..however, she started coughing with n hb tried calling The Kids Clinic, Kidslink, but they were closed for public stressed cos we dun want her to go to KKH as most probably she will be attended by MO which I knew is as good as not seeing at all..haiz, so we just prayed hard that she can be strong and will bring her see doctor the next day (sat) instead..
Hb went to collect the Ang Ku Kueh from Serangoon Central around 9.45am..left me n darling n MIL at home..then darling started being cranky..I knew she was not really feeling well..and I dont noe why I oso became very panicky as I suddenly feel like rushing her to see any PD so that at least she can feel better, no need to suffer..but then its a Public Holiday and most PD clinics are frustrated..hb not around..then I went to call sharkfin and talked till I cried..dun noe why, maybe I too stressed up, kept thinking of the ceremony thingy and evening darling birthday celebration..all have been settled and yet darling fell sick..dun noe if she can take it or not...till I cried and cried..phew..darling seemed to know mummy is upset..then MIL helped to carry darling while I talked to sharkfin..then sharkfin helped to call San Jiumu..and she very nice helped me call many other PD clinics but they were all I decided to cook down, feed darling with some medication which got left over previously..and just monitor..felt much better after talking to San jiumu and sharkfin...then hb came home le and I felt more relieved..
After awhile, darling also seemed to feel better and we proceeded on with her 1year old birthday celebration...darling was quite cooperative through-out, though she behaved very "yang oh" and only want mummy me to carry and sayang her..well, I feel good lor and her daddy was very sore...
Our conclusion :-
1. Darling will look for her daddy if she is in her playing mood and wants to play...
2. Darling will look for her mummy if she is looking for comfort and wants someone to sayang her..

Our darling taking a short nap after taking medicine..daddy & mummy sayang u..

Daddy collected the pair of Ang Ku-Kueh....

Placing them on the floor..

Its definitely huge...

Comparing the Ang Ku-Kueh size with my hand..can imagine??

Hey darling..look at mummy & daddy... :)

Smiling at us...

Oop.."whats that thing on the floor??"

"Hmm...what is this ya??"

"We gonna start the ceremony le ma??"

Okie..taking photo with mummy first k...mummy tidy up your hair first k..must look 美美 de..

Daddy join in with us...

"This is my 全家福 photo.."

Okie, ready to a hard sole shoes on the floor so that later darling can wear it after stepping on the Ang Ku-Kueh to symbolise darling life will be 顺顺利利 as she grow up gradually :)

In preparation...getting hb's bro, mingshun to be the videograhper, and MIL being the camera-woman..

Testing testing..halo ah ma...

Okie..can start liao lor...

Mummy & daddy, I want to step on the Ang Ku-Kueh liao..

"Wow..the feeling is so oily n sticky.."

Putting on shoes for darling..

Adjusting the shoe...

Alright..our darling Jermaine is a big gal liao..长大 le :)

The traditional 鸡蛋面线 that everyone must eat on their birthday symbolise long life..

Specially prepared for our darling by MIL..she used fish bones to brew the soup and cook the 面线..yummy...
来来, mum mum...cannot break the 面线 ya..
"hmm, yummy.."

"Ah-ma, I want somemore can??"


Here comes the 鸡腿..

Come darling, papa let you hold the 鸡腿...

Papa let you try also...

"hmmm, the 鸡腿 taste nice..I never try this taste before".. :)
After the ceremony, we all had lunch, then FIL & MIL they all went home..while we tidy up the house and try to catch some nap before going to The Noble House tonight..

In cabbie..on our way to The Noble little pretty princess..

Popped over to Aimummy house to collect darling's birthday cake..nice nice..

Pix of darling's lovely birthday cake..taken from Aimummy's bloggie...Darling's name is on the 1st-tier - JERMAINE...

My darling catching some sleep in preparation for the busy nite ahead..papa also dozed off too..such a lovely n sweet scene...
Our darling birthday celebration venue..

Decoration done by the staff of The Noble House..they are a team of wonderful gratitude and appreciation especially for Tony, Kes and Eddie ^_^

Lovely presentation they done for our darling..

Well-wishes phrases written on the spot just for our birthday thoughtful act..amazing :)

Gifts for our darling gal...

Darling gal with her daddy & mummy...

With PIL & 小叔..


Me and darling...

Thanks to pong pong and laojie for starting off the KTV session..

Me singing..lalala...

Choosing songs...

Darling clinging to her soooo much...

Darling was so captivated by 大舅公 singing till she kept looking at him and the MTV...hahaha...

This is the song and MTV that caught darling's attention :)

See, she is so engrossed in it..heee

The complimentary dish - bun with salted egg-yolk filling..

Darling loves it..tasty sia...

Barbecued Whole Peking Duck - 北京鸭

Braised Shark's Fin with Crab Meat and Dried Seafood

Sauteed Squids and Scallops with X.O Chillies

Steamed Marble Goby Fish with "Kobu Tsu Kadomi"

Deep-Fried Prawn Balls coated with Salted Egg Yolk Sauce

Baked Pork Ribs with Fresh Pepper and White Wine Sauce

Braised Homemade Beancurd with "Bai-Ling" Fungus and Conpoy Crisps

Braised Handmade Noodles with Shredded Duck Meat

Enjoying the dinner.. :)

See, our princess darling also enjoying herself, despite she's not feeling too well...

KTV and mingling time...

Darling and 二姨婆..she likes 二姨婆 alot..and can let her carry around :)

Darling so scared to be left alone... comes mummy..ohh..still cannot huh...ok, mummy carry you later k, take photo 1st hor...

Singing birthday song...happi birthday to you, happi birthday to you, happi birthday to our darling Jermaine, happi birthday to you ^_^

Make a wish and blow the candle :)

Cutting the birthday cake..