24 November 2009

BB Running Fever :(

Last nite while I was helping our darling to clean up for bedtime, suddenly realised her body was very warm..so hb and I took her temperature and it was 37.8 degree..gave us a shock, she maybe having fever..so we fed her paracetamol syrup but she threw up with some phelgm..

wow, we so sad lor..in the end no choice but to let her sleep..then around 1.30am darling cried cos I think she got problem sleeping due to her warm temperature..then we took her temperature and it was 38.4 degree..hb and I immediately fed her medicine and she took it..but she simply cant sleep well..I was so tired and accompany her till 4am till I really cant tahan..so I asked my hb to take over while I caught some sleep...

So next morning around 7am, we woke up and took darling temperature again..it was 39 degree..hb and I immediately rushed her to KKH..it was so high temperature and 1st ever-such high fever..we were so worried..

Saw PD at PCC around 9am plus and she told us so far darling is running fever, but no sign of phelgm or flu..phew...but she cautioned if her temperature didnt subsided by thursday, then we have to bring her back to KKH again...they then need to test her for urinary infection..aiyo, I hope not and at that instance simply hope Im the one who is sick..cos its really heartbreaking to see darling suffered and looked so listless..

Gave darling this cool pad thingy..simply no use de..cos its not sticky at all and came off easily..

Waiting to see PD at PCC..tired mummy + sickly darling...

See how listless darling was..pitiful sia..

Reached home and taken medicine..very yang-oh..want either daddy or mummy to sayang her..see how she deep in sleep she was with her daddy..poor daddy oso tired..

Now am hoping darling can recover soon and before her this friday 1 yr old birthday celebration..jiayou darling, you are daddy & mummy brave and strong gal..get well soon k...we love you..