Today me & hb brought our darling out for shopping..there isnt gathering as most of my cousins were away for holiday am taking a break this sat..
So hb and I 1st went to 四马路 temple 拜拜..then we went over to Plaza Singapura to kai kai..

Ready to leave home for our family outing :)

Mummy cooked my porridge and stored inside here for my feeding later..its very good cos my porridge will stay warm in it for avg 6hrs..yummy!! great for outing use..

Darling sleeping soundly inside her Maclaren stroller..thanks to the aircon environment..hee..hb and I can then relax and enjoy our lunch :)

Oops..Xmas corner the corner..I love all the Xmas decor..Do I look cute?? ^_^

Or this one nicer? more matching to my dress right??

Blue one? seem unique hor..haha..

haha.."mummy, Im so happi today"...

"Yeah, my mummy is happi too!!"

"Ok, take proper pix ba"..

"Mummy said we must always take family pix I smile ya"..
"Another typical I blew bubbles at her and daddy"...

"Okay lah...give a serious one..else wait later mummy scold.."
"About to go home le..mummy just fed me my nice porridge..outside toast-box..I love seeing all the cars moving round the taxi-stand.." I want more shopping ok...
"Last but not least, presenting my 1st-ever Xmas party dress..nice ma? My mummy & daddy buy for me de" :)
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