06 November 2009

Darling 1st Visit to Dentist - NDC

Hee..today marked our darling first-ever visit to see a dentist..yes, darling came to my office today to be seen by one of my favourite doctor for a trial saliva testing..this trial is meant for our soon-to launch Infant Oral Health Clinic early next year..

Well, its an interesting test and experience I would say..both myself and darling's saliva sample were taken..darling was very kuai throughout the saliva-taking process..so happi..then few chemistry trial were done to determine if our carries-risk are high..

Good news is both me and darling's saliva PH and test revealed we are both under low-risk categories..yippee...however, Dr Tan saw darling's teeth (though only 2 at the lower jaw so far) has sign of calculus (tartar). One reason attributed to this is because I have not started brushing for darling..well, I was actually waiting for darling teeth to be fully erupt, then consider to start brushing for her..but now since like I got to start now liao..anyway, Dr Tan will be giving me the correct toothbrush + coaching on the correct brushing method for darling once the stock arrives..

Im so thankful for this visit..cos its really informative and Im quite surprised that darling's teeth had started to show sign of defect...weird hor?? well, its better to be safe than sorry..we just have to start brushing her teeth now..

On the other hand, darling got along very well with everyone in my office..everybody can carry her and she didnt even cry lor..she has a special liking and chemistry for Audra..and she carried darling the most today..Im so happi that darling likes her..she's a mother of three liao..so I tink maybe darling likes her maternal feel..haha

Everyone in my office sang praises of darling about how fair she is, how kuai she is, good mannerism, deep in thought, curousity, sociable etc..Im so happi..at that instance just feel that God has been kind/good to me n hb already, we cant ask for more than to have our darling daughter..all we wish is for her to be healthy and happi forever, with no worries..we are contented already..

This is the test kits used for me & darling to test on our saliva de..It worked similarly to those pregnancy test kits..the red line indicated that the test was done correctly..if got another red line appear, that means the result is bad and one is prone to carries...so in our case, its perfectly fine..so its a good result wor..yippee..

Overall, the test didnt take long and it sure is an eye-opener for me..cos I would never think of getting my gal to go for any dental check-up at such a young age..thanks to Dr Tan WK..I feel its a good one and definitely will recommend those mummies with child ard 1 yr old to go for it..The test was done by a PD and I always believe an early oral health check-up is certainty very important to help prevent carries prone diseases..