30 January 2010

Standing & Walking :)

Today marked the day where our darling can stand on her own..she has been holding onto walls, furnitures all these while when standing..today she can finally stand on her own liao..

I played with her this morning, getting her to stand on her own, and she did for a short while..then sat down..I praised her and clapped and smiled cos mummy is too happy..I guessed perhaps she saw my expression and to her is a form of encouragement..thereafter, she tried standing again..and this time longer duration..woo...happi me..

Next I tried to shift my sitting position backward and tried to get her to walk over to reach me..surprisingly she did it too..initially started with 2 steps..then I tried moving further away from her, and she walked more steps..though not exactly steady, but its definitely a good start..jiayou Jermaine..daddy & mummy so proud of you..