Jermaine had been coughing and having flu since last Thursday, 28 Jan started off with her feeling feverish on wednesday nite..we took her temperature several times in the nite, and it varied frm 37.6 t0 37.8 degrees..we decided to feed her morning her fever was okay le..then she began to have flu n coughing..we fed her with the medication we had at home..
Friday and over the weekend, her flu n cough was like on and off..sometimes seem ok, sometime she cough quite badly..but she wasnt cranky and still in her usual playing mood..
Then came this morning, where she became very cranky early in the morning around 5am..dun want to sleep and in her crankiness me n hubby decided to bring her see PD, as her cough has developed into phelgmy cough..quite bad..better see PD..
Hubby went to queue up at The KidsClinic..we want to see Dr Allyson as we find her so much better in terms of patient care and more approachable than Dr Lilian..I reached Rivervale Mall with darling awhile later, around 10am..and our turn came pretty soon..Dr Allyson said our darling was breathing quite heavily, and she was wheezing..and after diagnosis, she confirmed our girl has bronchitis..haiz..and was given Singular..
One thing I hated when darling is sick is the feeding medicine part..To me, tat is a torture..cos our girl simply refused to take medicine..fed her with spoon failed, forced her via syringe, she will cry madly as if mummy is feeding her poison..I also become very impatient whenever she struggle..super sianz..but I still have to do it..then until I got so fed up, daddy decided we will just put the medicine into her milk and let her take it from there..but often, she cant finished the milk..well, we cant put too little milk cos she may still taste the medicine inside, so we got to make it to 150ml..even that sometimes she also cant finish..haiz..well, bo pian..just hope later on when she get bigger she can love it ba..People who their kids have no problem taking medicine will never and cant imagine hw is it like to be in my shoes..
01 February 2010
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