20 December 2009

Shopping @ 313 Orchard

Went kai kai today at Somerset 313, our first shopping stop..nice..and simply so much better than Central..haha..Really enjoyed the day outing with my hb and darling..

Spent awhile there, plus eating at Marche..its such a long time since I ate in Marche..still remember the last time I had it was during my TC days, with Lousie and Nadia, Jas, Koh & gang etc..really miss the fun we had last time..where we are still young, not much worries /stress and really carefree..well, we aged and its another journey phrase in life..now most of us got married le and some have babies liao..times flies ya.. :)

"Yeah, daddy & mummy brining me go kai kai liao..u want any sweet? I can give you..cos Im sooo happi!!"

Us @ 313 Somerset..

Nice decor sia..

Me and darling..

Took this pix outside CD shop while waiting for daddy..

"Mummy, wow..white Xmas tree ya..How come its white in colour and not in green??"

"Hmm I love it..mummy, can we bring this home plsss?" ... "Of course not, darling..hahaha"

Saw this cute desk-size snowman at 1 of the cake shops at basement 1...snapped this pix quickly and got told off by the staff that cant take photo..so weird, then for goodness sake, dont display it lah..

Us @ Marche..

"I want Mumm Mumm.."

"Come, daddy give you mumm mumm k.."

Our ordered food..yummy yummy!!

See..our darling is so happi..she got to eat such nice yummy food, other than her daily healthy porridge..hee hee..

Busy mumm mumm-ing..

"Im shaking mummy's hand.."

"Dont want to let go my mummy hand..hee hee"

"Now I want to shake daddy's hand..daddy, give me you hand.."

Our darling is so happi and kept clapping her hands..haha..really is our sweetheart gal gal :)

Some of our darling's cheeky moments.. :)
Oops..kana caught le..
Gave us her usual shy demure look again :)

"Daddy & mummy love me alot..yeah, Im little happi Jermaine.."

Me & darling pointing at daddy.."must shoot for us properly ya.."

We are daddy's sweetheart :)

After all the playing and mumm mumm-ing..darling started to feel tired le..enjoying her finger-suckling...

"Im feeling tired and sleepy le..."

I went to wash darling's handkerchief in the washroom..then 5mins later when I returned back to our Marche sitting area, that's what I saw.. my dear darling Zzzz liao & my dear hubby reading his Today..

See how she dozed off on her own..she must be very tired..cos she didnt sleep the whole morning..and only slept now at 5pm..

So comfy in her Maclaren ya..

Snapped our own pix while darling is sleeping...

Recalling those days where we were dating & after our customary..we used to take alot of our pix together..nowadays, darling's photo occupied so much of our camera memory disc..hee..and now is more on family pix..tats cool..
Then we went Isetan Scott..hmm, nothing much to shop..so ended up we took a rest at TCC at Scott Road..its already 7pm in the evening liao..

At TCC..

Darling sitting in her own chair, admiring the Xmas decor and glazing at the street people as they strolled by..

Our fun-loving sweetheart gal gal..

Inquisitive about her chair-back..

My dear hubby..he dislike me taking pix of him..so I secretly take lor :)

He just smile so sweetly everytime his eyes set on our darling gal...he never ever lose his temper/cool on her..have to salute to my hubby..unlike me, I lose my cool/temper too easily..guess that is the difference in terms of genders and how God created men & women..

Smiling at the passerby..

Something interesting caught her attention...

Beautiful Xmas decor this year..

My achievement of the day..from Uniqlo @ 313..bought these comfy cotton tops in multiple colours...