5 December 2009 (Saturday)
Today daddy need not have to work..so we decided to go 四马路 temple to 拜拜..Follow by going to my 婆婆 house after that.. :)
Daddy with our darling..

Me with our darling..

Inside cabbie..she's such a sweetie, isnt it?? ^_^
While waiting for daddy to go in and 拜拜, I did the following camera shoots with my darling..Im such a super bo-liao mummy sia..haha..

Hmm..just began to notice that Darling is becoming more resemblance to her daddy more than me le..she used to resemble me alot alot..but lately she changed and starting to look more like daddy..daddy was super happi lor..and kept mumbling "gal gal 很像我 leh"...faintz..
"I love looking at my mummy.."

Playing with my camera pouch...

Nice hairclip..am waiting for her hair to grow more n longer, then let her wear hairband le..

长大了 ya our darling...

"Mummy, why are all the birds doing on the floor??"

So cute...

"hi hi, everybody..."

My favourite pix of darling of the day..hee hee..she look so demure here...

Close-up look..

"Mummy, Im getting abit tired liao.."

Looking around at the many people around us..

"Okie..looking at the camera again.."

"Yeah, daddy coming le...Im into my playing mood again..yipee hee.."
6 December 2009 (Sunday)
Had arranged to meet my MIL for lunch at Hougang..

Super engrossed in her TV show..haha

"I simply love sucking my these 2 fingers.." but mummy & daddy dont like...

"haha..but I still continue suckling..hee hee"

"hahaha..the TV show is soooo funnie..."

"Im feeling so happi today.."

"Here comes my favourite commercial time.."

Darling is curious and inquisitive about her flowers design at the side of her pant..
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