23 October 2009

Dearie Hubby Birthday :)

Today is my dearie hubby's birthday (23 October 2009)..me took pm leave and went out celebration with hb..

Hb is very nice to me..though is his birthday, he still planned for us to go sing KTV cos he knew that's my most fav hobby..hee hee..me so touched lor..I love you, 老公..

So we to partyworld-bishan..hb dont sing at all..so that left me singing from 2pm - 6pm on my own..hb is always my all-time fanz..of course, in between we did 点 few of our fav songs to listen & watched their MTV..shiok..

Hb's mini-sweetie birthday cake..

With candle added..

Darling is more keen on trying to touch the candle flame than posing for the camera..haha..

Happi Birthday Daddy/Hb..wishing you good health and may all your dreams come true :)

Blowing the candles..


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Very shorts, simple and easy to understand, bet some more comments from your side would be great