25 October 2009

Alex & Kath's Wedding + TTC Gathering

Today went to attend the wedding lunch of Alex & Katherine at Intercontinental Hotel..I loved the wedding venue + ballroom..very cosy and nice theme..plus the wedding favours are superb..its a luggage tag in sweet pink colour..chio man :)

Both Jasmine & myself helped out at the reception area..We reached around 11.15am and witness their tea-ceremony..I love attending weddings..its such a warm n loving feeling, and everytime it will without fail bring back sweet memories of my own wedding with hb in Year 2006..

Plus we saw alot of TTC friends..its basically our mini-TTC gathering mann..I finally got to see my ex-boss, Stevenson..long-lost contact friends such as Nadia, Azmi, Darren, Sammi, Chris, Jaslyn, Tay,Candy, Loh YK, and many more...so happi lor..its like coming to 6 years since I left TTC..and I only contact maybe with a few of them..so today I managed to see so many of them, Im super excited and I chatted alot with them..

I told my ex-boss, Stevenson that I feel TTC is the only workplace that we can find really nice people around..though the work sucks at times, but the people are fantastic n wonderful..even if there's any back-stabbing (which I dun quite remember), but at most is like superficially cuts..unlike other workplaces, its practically back-stabbing right into your flesh..

How I wish I can turn back the clock..I certainly missed the days Im in TTC..both me and hb are sure that this is gonna be the sweetest & most memorable chapter in our life..no regretz..

The Tea-Ceremony..

The Bridegroom & Bride..

Our duty area - The Reception :)

Alex & Us..

All the well-wishes in here..

Me & Best-Frd, Jasmine :)


Me & Hb..

Us with darling..

Hb with darling..

TTC Flowers..hee..

"Mummy, U wana take photo again??"

"Aiyo, 伤脑精 mann.."

"Ok lah..only 1 pix ya.."

Our 全家福 pixz...

Reached home le..still very energetic..I still want to play!!