27 October 2009

BB Jermaine is 11mths old le..

Happy 11mth old our darling Jermaine bb..Time flies ya and next month this day will be her birthday le.. :)

Am so looking forward..everyday passes by with lotsa of happiness and excitement for me n hb..seeing our darling develop and grow up everyday is such a joyous thingy..we are so blessed to have her..

haha..Im so happi..Im 11mth old le..

I love Daddy & Mummy..

I love Gymnastics..see how flexible my hand & leg coordination is..hee

Still love my fingers-suckling..but Daddy & Mummy dont like :/


Cool ma??

Stylo mylo sia..

25 October 2009

Alex & Kath's Wedding + TTC Gathering

Today went to attend the wedding lunch of Alex & Katherine at Intercontinental Hotel..I loved the wedding venue + ballroom..very cosy and nice theme..plus the wedding favours are superb..its a luggage tag in sweet pink colour..chio man :)

Both Jasmine & myself helped out at the reception area..We reached around 11.15am and witness their tea-ceremony..I love attending weddings..its such a warm n loving feeling, and everytime it will without fail bring back sweet memories of my own wedding with hb in Year 2006..

Plus we saw alot of TTC friends..its basically our mini-TTC gathering mann..I finally got to see my ex-boss, Stevenson..long-lost contact friends such as Nadia, Azmi, Darren, Sammi, Chris, Jaslyn, Tay,Candy, Loh YK, and many more...so happi lor..its like coming to 6 years since I left TTC..and I only contact maybe with a few of them..so today I managed to see so many of them, Im super excited and I chatted alot with them..

I told my ex-boss, Stevenson that I feel TTC is the only workplace that we can find really nice people around..though the work sucks at times, but the people are fantastic n wonderful..even if there's any back-stabbing (which I dun quite remember), but at most is like superficially cuts..unlike other workplaces, its practically back-stabbing right into your flesh..

How I wish I can turn back the clock..I certainly missed the days Im in TTC..both me and hb are sure that this is gonna be the sweetest & most memorable chapter in our life..no regretz..

The Tea-Ceremony..

The Bridegroom & Bride..

Our duty area - The Reception :)

Alex & Us..

All the well-wishes in here..

Me & Best-Frd, Jasmine :)


Me & Hb..

Us with darling..

Hb with darling..

TTC Flowers..hee..

"Mummy, U wana take photo again??"

"Aiyo, 伤脑精 mann.."

"Ok lah..only 1 pix ya.."

Our 全家福 pixz...

Reached home le..still very energetic..I still want to play!!

23 October 2009

Dearie Hubby Birthday :)

Today is my dearie hubby's birthday (23 October 2009)..me took pm leave and went out celebration with hb..

Hb is very nice to me..though is his birthday, he still planned for us to go sing KTV cos he knew that's my most fav hobby..hee hee..me so touched lor..I love you, 老公..

So we to partyworld-bishan..hb dont sing at all..so that left me singing from 2pm - 6pm on my own..hb is always my all-time fanz..of course, in between we did 点 few of our fav songs to listen & watched their MTV..shiok..

Hb's mini-sweetie birthday cake..

With candle added..

Darling is more keen on trying to touch the candle flame than posing for the camera..haha..

Happi Birthday Daddy/Hb..wishing you good health and may all your dreams come true :)

Blowing the candles..

19 October 2009

Happening Weekends

We had booked our darling's 1st year old birthday celebration venue le..its gonna be at Noble House - 金玉满堂..We went down on sat - 17 Oct 09 lunch-time to meet up with their staff, Tony & Kes..very cosy n nice ambience I find..plus the staff there are super duper friendly (esp. Tony & Kes)..They are so fantastic that I actually send in compliments for them..I feel staff service n efficiency are so impt mann..I mean obviously I may not have anything concrete in mind..but thanks to them for their suggestion n recommendation that made me so assured and trust that i immediately to book Noble House as the celebration venue..In fact, I have called up many places to check but was actually turned away/off by the staff attitudes and lousy services..

So darling's 1st year birthday celebration will be on 27 November 09 (Friday)..its darling actual birthday date n happened to be a public holiday too :)

Had booked 4 tables in a private room with KTV system..so sad cos just learnt on saturday that 2 of my uncles cant make it..well, no choice, have decided to go as planned..happi that we have settled on the venue..a load off my mind ya..

Birthday cake have ordered online from Aimummy..need to pick up from her on the actual day..am sourcing for some party decor now..hope can find nice ones, else shall do without it..save $$ la..hee

Then we went to City Sq Mall for some shopping and grabbed our lunch..had no idea exactly what to eat though, till we saw some kids running around the mall with balloons (helium-filled)..hmm, I immediately told hb that we should go to BBQ-Chicken(name on balloon) n see..well, we went up to 2nd storey and decided to go in for our lunchie..there the manager upon seeing us, gave darling 2 balloons and tied it onto her stroller..darling was so happi to see the balloons..she played with them while me n hb had our lunch.. :)

After that, we did some shopping before proceeding to grandparents house for our usual gathering..

Sunday - 18 Oct 09 was also totally shacked out..morning we went to Rivervale Mall to eat at my favourite foodcourt - the famous n delicious QQ noodles..then we went to the NTUC to buy groceries..we fed darling cereal before going back home..reached home around 2.30pm..then quickly bathed darling..fed her..then we left home again at 4pm to head for Kovan..had planned dinner with hb's family, meant to celebrate hb's birthday in advance..

After dinner, we went to drink kopi at Xin Wang's Cafe..reached home around 8.30pm..so tired..didnt managed to catch any nap the whole day..

Our usual 全家福 pix before stepping out of the house..haha :)

Me and darling..

hee..smiling at daddy..

"Aiyo mummy, what time u want to go out huh?"

Tired liao..sleeping with daddy inside cabbie..

Inside BBQ Chicken cafe..

"I love the 2 balloons..thanks uncle for helping me to tie them on my car-car"..

"Daddy & mummy, u two eat your lunch k, I will play on my own de"

"Tired le..suck suck my favourite fingers liao" :)



"haha..Im so happi today..I love shopping.."

"Yes, mummy??"

"oh, what is that?"

"huh..u still taking photo of me huh??"

"Dont take liao, 抱抱我pls..."

"I want daddy & mummy 抱抱.."