27 December 2009

Traci & Wai Liet's Wedding - 26.12.2009

Attended Traci and Wai Liet's wedding..its again a mini-TC gathering..though few of them didnt turned up (Koh, Foo etc..) so sad, cos thought can catch up with them..Nevertheless we had an enjoyable evening and nice to see cindy & wendy aka samantha again.. :)

Also its like a small babies/kids party..cos surrounded us there were so many babies around..got our darling Jermaine la, Wendy's darling - Nicole la..Cindy's darling - Adelaina la..Jaslyn's darling gal and boy..and some other kids from other tables de..so sweet..(Jas didnt bring her darling Jerlyn..else will be even more..hee hee)

"Mummy just bathed me..i smell 香香 le..now its daddy & mummy's turn to prepare le.."

My pretty doll-up princess Jermaine :)

"Mummy, I love my this outfit and lacey sock.."

Looking at daddy..

Our precious minnie..

Just arrived at the Bukit Batok CSC - Crystal Ballroom..

Nice ambience..

The "IN" thingy now at most wedding banquet ballrooms - Projectors..everywhere u can see projectors featuring lovely wedding pixs, guest pixs, sms wishes etc..so innovative n cool..last time during our wedding dinner preparation, where got all these?? maybe have but I dun noe ba..hee..oso heng la, can save $$ :)

The menu..the proportion was big for all the dishes..probably cos we have fewer adults, plus Koh & Foo didnt come..

Wedding favour - Chocolate..became the entertainment toy for our darling..and she even indulged in her own enjoyment for awhile without her daddy & mummy awareness by squeezing the chocolate with her hands..haha..lucky never stained her dress.. :)

The happi bride welcoming us..

Taking photos with the lovely bride..so happi for her..finally found someone whom she can rely and spend the life with together..

Daddy and his darling who just woke up from her short nap :)

Oops, daddy close his eyes ^_^

Okay..perfect one..

Quick-snap shot with the Traci..

Darling in her own seat..very curious with her surround happening..

With Cindy and her darling Adelaina..

Me and our 宝贝..

With Jasmine, my best-frd of a life-time..we can chat anything under the sun..though some misunderstanding happened few years back,and was during my most "down' period..but that hasn't strained our friendship & sistership at all..it just made it stronger..我们永远是好姐妹!!


Yummmmm-seng to the newly-wed..congratz!!

Wai Liet singing Jacky Cheung's song for Traci..so daring infront of all the guests..and he got a very good & solid voice mann..even the entertainment company emcee sang praises of him..

Darling indulged in the lovely song...

Table photo..alamak, what happened to our darling?? hmm..must penalised the photographer le..

Alex mixing the sabo-drink..under our directive lah..haha..

The powerful drink..but too bad wasted cos no one can out-talk the bride who is so protective of her hubby..faintz..

Alibaba photos taken by Alex..must polish up the photography skill ya..hee hee..

Okie..finally 1 nice pix taken by Alex..got improvement le..

The next up-coming couple..am waiting to receive their red-bomb soon i hope..so that we can have another TC gathering...
With the bride and bridegroom..

About to go home le..see how sleepy darling is..so cute...

Last but not least..chabo, here's wishin you and Wai Liet a happy and blissful marriage forever..faster join in our motherhood club k..we are waiting for your good news hor..Loves,Daniel & Janice & BB Jermaine ^_^

24 December 2009

Xmas Eve - 24.12.2009

Its Xmas eve today..very happi and am in a super holiday mood today..Gonna have a mini Xmas celebration in office today with my call-centre girls..and this evening going to bring darling for Xmas party at Qing's house..yippee..lotsa fun ahead..

Me & Audris..she's very pretty lor..didnt put on make-up already so pretty le..make me so envious sia :( hee hee..

Audra joined in with us..she's 1 good boss that Im proud to work with..understanding and willing to help and not selfish.. :)

With our office mini Xmas tree..no Xmas party this year though..

Audra, Mylene, me & Kristy - our new colleague..another pretty gal sia... :)

Operations rocks!! - without all those idiotic people pls..

Audra bought this Xmas Log Cake from Pine Garden..in Lychee Martini flavour..she left some for me to bring home to eat with my hubby..conclusion is too much cream..taste okay nia..but really not so fantastic as recommended..can still go try if you havent..but dont tink wil specially go down to buy, unless happen to be around the vicinity ba..

Had a mini Xmas party with my call-centre girls, and we invited Hani (used to be in my callctr, Audra, Mylene & Kristy)..we ordered buffet from Four Seasons Catering (Halal)..and must be self-collected cos of my mini-size pax..went down with my staff, Julie to do the collection at around 10.30am..also bought yummy kopi & tea from NCC Angsana Cafe..

Our buffet spread..not bad lah..but can be better if got the warmers..

Free Chocolate Log Cake with our Party Menu..good leh..

The team at my call-centre..this 2009 year ended off well, with a good team in my call-centre..we had scolding, anger, cries, fun & laughter all in all..but still we worked harmously as a small family..this team rocks and I feel we can do even better next year..hack off all the nuisance and irritable patients/internal staff..Let us all jiayou and work for our patients interest at heart..Cheers!!

Its makan time..digged in liao..dont wait..

Chit-chatting and laughter..

Let's sing the Xmas song.. "we wish you a merry xmas, we wish you a merry xmas, we wish you a merry xmas, and a happy new year 2010.."

Audra help us with the cake distribution..

See how happi I am...

May we be friends and colleagues forever..Told audra she cannot leave ndc before me..hee hee..

The gift exchange I got..ya, we had a mini gift exchange fun, each gift of ard $10...

Then I went home at around 2.30pm..quite tired liao cos didnt sleep much the nite before..headed straight for a short nap..got hubby to fetch darling from bbsitter house around 5pm..then prepared abit and we left home around 6.30 to proceed to the Xmas party at Qing house..

Before leaving home..ask darling to take pix to show off her Xmas party outfit..hee hee..

haha..she's happily dressed in this outfit..worth my $$..btw, this Santas dress bought from Tanjong Pagar de ($25), the reindeer hair-band from Watsons ($3)..very worth..

Our Santas Princess Jermaine ^_^

"Hmm, Im so nicely dressed to the Xmas theme..but my daddy & mummy didnt..aiyo, how can like that? haha"
"Nevermind lah gal..you dress mei mei can liao..daddy & mummy dress normal can le...you more important ma.."
Ended up, darling is the most dressed to the Xmas theme de in Qing's house..most of us came in t-shirt & shorts for comfy reason ba..haha..

The sumptous spread of Pot-Luck food..

Snacks by qing..

Pizza by qing also..

Beehoon by ji-yi..and she bought eclair too..its so yummy..we took 1 pack home too..

Turkey & ham from qing..grandma's signature curry chicken..yummy..its spicy and goes really well & shiok with rice..I ate 3 rounds hor, imagine..

haha..family pix..

Okie..its around 11pm and we started our gift exchange..darling choosing her gift from the box of Rocher..

"hmm, which one should I take?? "

"Mummy, what is our gift no.??"

Darling is soo excited!!

"Yeah, I got my Xmas gift liao.." :)

Watching on as the rest get their pick..

Our gifts from the exchange ^_^

Sagu & family specially bought this gift for our darling Jermaine..so sweet..

Our presents after unwrapping..we love it all..

This year Xmas party at Qing's house was soo fun..its the first time we joined..cos in Year 2007, I was not free..and Year 2008, I was doing my confinement then..all came except my sister :(
There isnt any game this year cos everyone was busy..but we watched back some of the old video-shoots taken by Sagu (thanks to Sagu for bring the video)..those were our China-Fuzhou trip, Australia & HK trip etc..brought back so so much laughter for all of us..esp on what we look when we were all young..