26 November 2010

Jermaine is 2yrs old today!!

Yeah, today is our lil J's 2yrs old birthday celebration..Yup, she is officially 2yrs old today..so fast ya..time really flies..remember 2yrs ago on this day, I delivered her at KKH around noon time..she was weighing 2.75kg then..n today she weight ard 10kg..she has really grown n is a big girl le..

Yesterday (26 Nov 10), she celebrated her birthday also in school with her friends..Mummy me helped her to prepare goodies bags for her friends..haha but she was so reluctant to give to her friends n cried in school..faintz..I was not with her for the celebration as mummy had to work..was feeling very sad in the morning...well, the day passed by pretty fast and Im able to see her after work, was feeling much better in the evening..

(to be continue..)

11 November 2010

Updates on Lil J

Yes, I havent been updating much on my bloggie lately..cos Im more hooked on Facebook..I kind of fb-ing daily and many times per day..haha..

Well, our lil J (Darling Jermaine) is coming 2 yrs old..am now in the mist of planning for her birthday celebration on 27 Nov 10 (Sat) which is her actual birth-date..

Thinking back, is really a long journey since the day she was borned till now..time flies n its like coming 2yrs already..the scenes n memories of waiting for her arrival, my delivery experience still remain so clealy in my mind..no regret having her, though sometimes I would be thinking how life would it be then without her..it could be a totally different frm now..though having her sometimes do create alot of quarelling n conflicts between me n hubby, but I guess this is normal, but still it give us a reflection n test on our relationship..it just make us understand ourselves n each other more..n there is no regret..esp when lil J greets me always with her lovely smile..

1) She loves singing - Barney's song, Happi Birthday song, Sing-Along Ktv songs etc ^^

2) Her fav cartoon ranking:-
First - Barney
Second - Doraemon
Third - Mickey Clubhouse & Thomas & Frds
Four - Dora

3) She loves dancing - oh, whenever she watch TV prgms, she will dance if there is any songs in it..the funniest is she love the New City Beat Show on every friday, 8.30pm @ Channel 8..she will automatically stop what she is playing, stand up and dance along with it..lols

4) She can count perfectly from 1 - 10 in English & Mandarin

5) She makes decision which shoes she wants to wear when going kai kai, and which dress/clothes she is wearing..All thanks to mummy who let her start making choices/decisions..

6) She loves her ear-rings. Yes, brought her for ear-piercing on 26 October 10 at Bdazzle...and she loved it..though she did cry when they did the pierced, but she stopped pretty soon..

7) She loves see-saw/playground..she couldnt resist herself from playing see-saw..whenever she walks pass any playground, she will shout "Ah Ma"..cos only Ah Ma will bring her to playgrd..for me & hubby we rarely bring her cos am fear of spread of germs etc..so she does not understand at this point the meaning of playing for awhile and to stop after certain time. Hence, she often struggle when we need to stop or pull her away from playing..n yes, she can really cry very fiercely and screaming at the top of her voice..haiz, how to bring her to playgrd if this contd..hubby & I have been cracking our head and we even had to re-route our way back home from bbsitter house so that she dun get to see playgrd..faintz??